Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The New World

Wow, I guess I've been gone awhile. I have a few amazing presents to show that I've received in the mail or whatever, but I'm always too lazy to use the camera by the time Stephan gets home with it. So that will be a later post. In the meantime, I have a comment about the New World, which I saw quite a while ago at this point.

Basically, the friends I saw it with and the boys at Cinecast (http://www.cinecastshow.com/) both saw Pocahontas/Rebecca as choosing Christian Bale over Colin Farrell as some sort of domestification whiteness project. Yeah, normally I'd get on board with that type of thing, but no. Colin Farrell left to seek his fame and fortune and told P/R he was dead. This is a dick move. He had several opportunities to turn his back on the kind of demands the king or white society was making and chose not to. He was not stuck. This is not Brokeback. Society was not conspiring against him. I find it problematic that men read this as a race issue rather than a gender issue. P/R chose Christian Bale because he chose her. He committed himself to the exchange entailed by marriage. Done and done. Give me a break boys.


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