Friday, January 05, 2007

TV moments

The House Next Door did a series that lists their favorite moments in movies through the past year. ( Here are mine for TV for the past few years:

America's Next Top Model
1) "I was in denial of my snout"--Kelle season 3
2) "Maybe I have set up a wall with nine letters that spell competition" according to Yaya and Norelle mentally adding it up and giggling. season 3
3) "Because an elephant is a member of the dinosaur family" Jade season 5??

The Office
Pam and the cameraman discovering Angela and Dwight's affair together. I've often read that the Office has the deepest ensemble cast on tv, and when I realized that that includes the fictional camera guys fictionally filming this office park, I knew it was true.

Pants Off Dance Off
Elderly Ronald pancing to The Cure's Friday I'm in Love.

There are two little digs at grad students the past few years: in one, Bart is making fun of a grad student, Marge yells at him to leave the poor grad student alone, since he had made a terrible life choice. In the other, Homer, I think is feeding the ducks, and grad students try to eat the bread on the ground. Tenured faculty shoo them away, telling them they're not allowed to eat until they grade 500 papers.

Project Runway
Santino's impersonations of Tim Gunn, particularly the Red Lobster bit. I know this is a layup. It's just that funny and great.

King of the Hill
Post-tornado Hank has to choose between a Texas flag and a cactus to cover his storm-induced nakedness.

Freaks and Geeks
Ken running to find his girlfriend in marching band. This is the culmination of one of my favorite episodes of TV of all time. Ken's girlfriend reveals that she was born with both female and male genitalia, Ken doesn't take it well for a while, finally resolves it in his own mind, and has to go get her back before a school convocation. She's playing the tuba in the convocation so Ken's running through the marching band, forcibly twisting various tuba people to face him before he finds her, and then there she is, nestled in her own tuba, still angry and kind of hopeful. It captures both what's really complicated about being a teenager at the same time showing how it's sometimes really simple too.

Home Movies
Melissa running away from the fairy girls sleepover in her fairy girl outfit.

There should be moments from Arrested Development, Firefly, Veronica Mars, and Deadwoo. See a later installment.


Blogger ant said...

Thanks Bugg! And Stephan and I have added the Wire to our netflix account already. We're very excited!

9:19 AM  

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