Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Robot News

We've seen Wall-E (twice). I really really like it. That said, I think the movie would have been perfection with a much more devastating, much less kid-friendly ending that I won't describe due to spoiler issues. It's so good though. I stole the image from here.

The G4 network told Stephan that there's a robot race between Japan and Korea, much like the space race, but with robots.

I found this owl robot my brother had on ebay. Man, this robot is so much cooler than the crappy robots currently at Toys R Us.

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Blogger Torei said...

*R Comment*
I need to see Wall-E!

Yeah, the robot woman the Koreans made is eerily realistic (GIS "Korea robot realistic" and look at the pic of the girl touching the robot's face). The only problem with the robot race is that the cylons cannot walk. Yet.

5:48 AM  
Blogger ant said...

Whoa! That robot is alive!

4:19 PM  

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