Thursday, November 02, 2006


This was going to be a post on dogs dressed as Star Wars characters for Halloween but blogger is crushing me, so you get a post about Lost. Perhaps with pictures, perhaps not. That's up to you blogger baby.


Anyway, as everyone on the entire internet is pointing out, the actor who plays Mister Eko got a DUI and then his character got killed in last night's episode. I believe I mentioned earlier that I'm a bit down on Lost this season so I've been watching with much more detachment than usual. That said I was both pleased and super super super pissed by Eko's death. First the pleased--I really liked that the island is obviously malevolent. One of my new favorite blogs The House Next Door ( speculates that the island killed Eko because he didn't repent from his sins. But to me this means that even if the island is functioning as God, it is a sinners in the hands of an angry vengeful Jonathan Edwards God. Old Testament God. This God is scary. This God is not Eko's brother. Awesome.

That said, why do we have to lose Eko? There are so many characters I hate on this show. Can't we kill one of them? Charlie? Locke? Claire? Paolo and Nikki please? Eko was awesome and hot.

But most of all I loved the Juliet coup story, particularly the card on video scene which the internet is reminding me is Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues style. I really don't know what to trust or what's going on with Juliet and Ben and Jack and in a good way. I like it.


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