Friday, October 13, 2006

Danger, high voltage

Argh! I just lost a whole post that started out being about tv shows I love at the moment that may get cancelled and ended up being a post about class on tv shows. I guess I'm going to try to resurrect that post. At least this time, I know what it's about from the get go.

1) Deadwood. I'm only partway through season 2, but I love this show. First, it's about the old west. Second, acting, writing, etc. I had heard it accused of misogyny before I began watching it, but I don't see this at all. In fact, I like the way that the women on the show on occasion are able to relate to one another on the basis of their gender--ie on the basis of their relationship to the men on the show--but more often are divided by really explicit class differences. This is already cancelled, but supposedly has two movies in production to provide some closure. Thank you HBO!

2)Veronica Mars. Again only partway through season 2, but not due to lack of trying. Stephan and I spent the majority of last weekend watching this, sacrificing both sleep and work time. It was totally worth it. Even more than Deadwood, VM is explicitly dealing with class. I especially like that in season 2, it's the working class AND the solid middle class that are hurt by the ultra-rich (I'm thinking of the finance teacher guy here). I also appreciate that they position VM in the lefty middle of the class warfare. This probably makes me a bad marxist, but I think that if violence could solve this easily, class issues would be solved already. VM only got ordered up for a short season, but supposedly CW is pleased with the numbers following Gilmore Girls. YAY!!!!

3)Friday Night Lights. I'm not entirely pleased with the race stuff so far compared to the movie, but I do like the class stuff. It's almost documentary style--upper, middle and working class households and HOUSING(a personal hobby horse of mine) all explicitly juxtaposed. Plus it's super cheesy ending made me sob like a baby. Stephan told me that its ratings are awful and that it's pretty doomed, which I hate.

former favorites I'm down on:
Gilmore Girls--The new guy isn't my favorite so far. He gets some stuff--Paris--but not all of it --Emily. I don't like the actual plot lines so far, especially the Christopher bullshit and Lorelai's "realization." Too sitcom-y in a bad way.

Lost--Wow, I'm totally down on Lost. I never thought that would happen. And really, I promise it's not because it's not about class. Actually I think it sometimes tries to be about class. But fuck that, I need some awe. TWOP juxtaposed the reveal of the first episode(Henry is Ben!!!) with some of the earlier reveals (Locke! Ethan wasn't on the plane!) and man, fuck the new stuff. It's just not as good.

former favorites I still love:
The Office. Ummm, yumm. South Park. Hi-larious.

former favorites that are holding their own:
ANTM, Project Runway, Degrassi

*The image is an image of 'class warfare' I stole from another blog He seems to appreciate the violence a bit more than me, but does believe in the ethical treatment of animals, which I support!


Blogger ant said...

Wow, even though I lived in London for 4 months, I didn't know that about British tv. I guess that's the one time in my life I didn't spend too much time watching television. At any rate, that really is interesting. Class in the UK . . .

10:17 AM  

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