Sunday, August 10, 2008

10 year reunion

Stephan and I attended our 10 year reunion this year, which was awesome. Even Stephan very grumblingly enjoyed it. Bullet points:

* Apparently back in 1998, Stephan and I got voted one of four couples most likely to get married. When that was read aloud, Stephan's name was mispronounced.
* We were the only people there even resembling hipsters. Even I seemed hipster-ish, which is saying a lot.
* A lot of the "preppy" kids from back in the day still thought it was back in the day.
* More people remembered me than I expected.
* Fewer people than I expected attended.
* Lots of people still want to nail the people they wanted to nail in high school. A few want to nail new people.
* Really the best part was seeing our friend R, who we haven't seen in two years. It's made me very sentimental.
* The reunion is not very bloggable on a secret blog when the audience wouldn't know any of the people I would blog about anyway. But it's been very fun to gossip about lots of people after all these years.



Blogger Torei said...

*R Comment*
Ha hahahahahahaha! Please remind me to give Computer some s about this. I'm glad he went and you didn't have to pass out his business cards instead.

1:55 PM  

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