Friday, March 21, 2008


I've been coveting Eva Green's necklace from Casino Royale, seen above, and I recently found these versions at Dejarnette. I want one. This is partly due to my girl crush for Eva Green, and a related girl crush on another French lady, Charlotte Gainsbourg. These particular girl crushes are a bit strange because I'm usually an Anglophile, not a Francophile. I will attribute it to their abilities to pull off dark hair and being pale much more gracefully than I do. Either way, Dejarnette has very nice things besides this, and eventually I'll break down and buy something from there.


Blogger Torei said...

*R Comment*

Oh!! I also have a girl crush on Charlotte Gainsbourg, mostly because of her, but partially because of her parents.
Have you heard the album that she did? If not, I'll make you a copy of it. Good stuff! Yay!

9:40 AM  
Blogger ant said...

Wow, I didn't even know she did an album. I would love a copy!

Actually I also didn't know who her parents were until after I'm Not There, and have been meaning to see Blowup ever since. Well I should see it anyway, because it's Blowup.

2:50 PM  

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